Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Female

Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Female

The Best Meal Plan For Female Weight Loss


Welcome! I'm Adam and today I am going to give you the best meal plan for female weight loss.

In all honesty, I was really surprised when researching this article that Females are looking for Meal Plans just for "female weight loss".

Ladies, what's so bad about the way men eat?

If you happen to be Male and have come across this article, then you are more than welcome here too. This Meal Plan that I will outline will 100% work for you as well. There is nothing in this article that can't be utilised by a man, to get just as incredible results in your Weight Loss Journey.

My friends…you are all welcome!

I promise you, at the end of this article, everything will be really clear, you will have a plan and be inspired with the knowledge you need to conquer your female weight loss conundrum.

In this article, I will give you the best meal plan for female weight loss and solve all of your problems and you are going to build your "healthy" meal plan in a really simple step-by-step way.

But before we get started I would like to invite you to become my friend by getting on my list.

I'll email you things. Sometimes they will be educational, sometimes they will be inappropriate, sometimes I might just want to know how the hell you are; either way…it means we can be friends.

Oh, and I will also send you some free fitness goodies too, like a free calorie calculator, a month of in-home and in Gym Workouts and much more …but only when you send me your friend request:

Let me show you why and how I know that this will work for you.

This is me. The photo on the left is from 2017 and the one on the right is 2020:

This is me through the ages: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

This is me through the ages: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

As you can see…what I eat keeps me pretty lean. In fact, the heaviest I have ever been was 82kgs and the lightest 78kgs. My body doesn't change much, because I follow the exact meal plan that you will follow come to the end of this article.

But wait…

I'm a Man. And I'm writing about Female Weight Loss…

So let me show you my friend Jennifer. Or Jenny as her friends call her.

Jenny is a wonderful human. I've known her a long time from when she used to work out 5–6 times a week where I used to work. She works in TV and Film which is of great interest to me, because of my background in acting, and on top of all of that, she trusted me to coach her daughter too.

Jenny joined my online coaching program. She had previously tried all kinds of diets. She splashed money on Ketones, on Slimming World and she still struggled to make it "stick". She has put in so much hard work over the last three months, all whilst battling lockdown, and facing some job insecurity. But what I am most proud of with her is that she has just kept working. Ticking off the days, and understanding the nature of what and when to eat.

Well, this is Jenny from the 20th March 2020 to the 28th May 2020:


How amazing is that?

Or there is Aisling. Aisling is a little pocket rocket. She is small in stature but huge in personality and so full of life. She is so much fun to train and always gives as much as she can.

But she also loves to party, drink and socialize. She can drink more Ciders than I can even count on a night out. She too fell foul to the Diet Business of Slimming World, but she too has put in the hard work and learned how to create balance in her meal plan for her own success.


These two ladies…and if you go right here you will see female after female conquering their weight loss following my meal plans. I'm not here to WOW you. All I am trying to do is keep you interested enough to find out what all of my friends who work with me online can and have achieved so that you can believe it is possible for you as well.

Because you are about to learn what the best meal plan for female weight loss really is.

The best meal plan for female weight loss

Step 1: Calories For Female Weight Loss

Every meal plan should start with knowing your calorie targets. So the first part is setting you up with what is known as a "Calorie Deficit Meal Plan" or a "Calorie Deficit Diet Plan".

You could have the tastiest meals, with the best macronutrient split there ever was.

But if your Energy Balance isn't tilted towards a Calorie Deficit, then you will not create weight loss.

800 calories a day? 1000 calories a day? 1200 calories a day?

Is probably what you are thinking…but I need you to forget about these arbitrary numbers.

Women of the World:

at I am about to say

Everybody's calorie needs are different.

Lumping you on some number that is quite honestly just plucked out of thin air isn't going to help for two reasons:

  1. It could be too few calories leading to over restriction, then failure to adhere, then you eventually giving up on your diet altogether

It could be too many calories, you aren't in a Calorie Deficit for weight loss and you end up getting no results, which then means you give up because it isn't working.

How Many Calories Do You Really Need?

Personally, I use the principle of a Calorie Window which I outline in this YouTube Video:

You have an upper guideline and a lower limit. Your upper guideline will be:

"Goal Bodyweight in LBS x 12"

Your lower limit will be aligned to what is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate which you can find out by heading here and downloading my Free Calorie Calculator (many other calculators are available on the Internet too).

Now…this is the important part.All you have to do is get your calories between these two numbers each and every day. There is an upper guideline because you can go over it from time to time — that's perfectly understandable.

There is a lower limit because your Calories each day should never EVER drop below this number, in fact, I would prefer you never tried to just get to this number at all.

And your goal for your meal plan is this: Eat as much food as you can eat to get as close to the upper guideline as possible.. and you will still lose weight.

If you are now saying this to me, I totally understand why:

You will design your meal plans calories to a window because there will be times that sticking to your calories will be just too damn difficult. Times of high socializing for example, or Christmas as another. But I don't want you to miss out on spending time with your friends and being social.

Coz not being able to do that in the name of dieting will suck.

The closer to your lower limit you get…the harder it will become to do.

And the words "hard" and "diet" never go well together.

The Best Meal Plan For Female Weight Loss

Step 2: Foods You Can and Can't Eat In Your Meal Plan

There are lots of examples of people losing weight eating all kinds of stuff.

In fact, one of my coaches and friends Jordan Syatt lost weight eating a Big Mac every day. Find out more here.

He lost 7lbs. Eating a Big Mac every day.

In your life. I bet there are examples of people you know that have been able to lose weight seemingly eating "whatever the hell they want".

There are other examples of people eating nothing but McDonald's creating weight loss (this is not what Jordan did by the way).

Is it a good idea? To only eat McDonald's?

Well, I'm not sitting here telling you to go and eat McDonald's as the staple of your Meal Plan for Weight Loss.

What I am saying is that you need a balance.

The McDonalds examples are one end of the extremity. The other is trying to "give up sugar", "eat clean" or "give up carbs".

Neither option gives you balance.

You want to thrive, not feel deprived. The answer to this lies in the balance.

Therefore your Weight Loss Meal Plan for Females will not list any foods as:

  • Off Limits

  • Good

  • Bad

Instead, every time you sit down to eat, ask yourself this one question:

"Will this food nourish me right now?"

Answering this will always drive you to balance.

Because nourishment means one thing:"The food necessary for growth, health, and good condition" [1]

This means that having a Pizza when you are craving a Pizza and you can't do anything but think about Pizza…is nourishing you because it is causing you to mentally have a"good condition"and you are looking after your short term and long term mental "health" .

Of course, if all you do is eat Fast Food you are going to be neglecting a huge part of your growth, health, and good condition. But we are talking about balance here.

Will this nourish me? This will very often be answered with foods that are more congruent to your goals than against your goals. Foods that are full of nutrients and conform to what you probably think your Weight Loss Meal Plan should consist of.

But it does also mean, sometimes, you are going to need a Glass of Wine and a few crisps.

And that is perfectly ok.

As long as you balance it into your Calorie Deficit as outlined above.

So basically, within reason, there are no foods that are off-limits.

But there are foods that you should put well within your limits, and build your Meal Plan around as much as possible.

Protein — The Weight Loss Super Food


It's no more a Super Food than anything else. But second to calories, it really is very important in your Meal Plan.

Protein is the most filling of foods you will eat. Out of all of the macronutrients, it will take the longest time to be digested for the body. Which means it keeps you fuller for longer. Which in turn will help you lose weight by bringing down how much you eat.

Protein will also complement your physical training really well. It will help your recovery from strength training andhelp you build and maintain muscle.

Protein will help your metabolism to burn calories as it has a very high Thermic Effect of Food (TEF).

Sources of Protein

Here is a good list to get started with and some of my favorite options [2]:

Meat per 100g serving (% of protein per kcal):

  • Chicken Breast: ~30g of protein/165kcal (18%)

  • Turkey Breast: ~28g of protein/189kcal (14%)

  • Steak: ~26g of protein/276kcal (9%)

  • Kangaroo: ~26g or protein/147.5kcal (17%)

Fish per 100g (% of protein per kcal):

  • Tuna Steak: ~29g of protein/129kcal (22%)

  • Salmon: ~22g of protein/210kcal (10%)

  • Dover Sole: ~15g of protein/87kcal (17%)

  • Halibut: ~~22g of protein/109kcal (20%)

Dairy per 100g (% of protein per kcal):

  • Eggs: ~12g of protein/144kcal (8%)

  • Greek Yoghurt: ~10g of protein/58kcal (17%)

  • Feta Cheese: ~10g of protein/96kcal (10%)

  • Whole Milk: ~3g of protein/61kcal (4%)

Vegetarian Options per 100g (% of protein per kcal):

  • Tofu: ~10g of protein/83kcal (12%)

  • Tempeh: ~20g of protein/194kcal (10%)

  • Seitan: ~25g of protein/127kcal (19%)

  • Lentils: ~9g of protein/112kcal (8%)

Fruits and Vegetables

These should be high up in your meal plan. Simply because they are very economic in their calories.

You can eat a lot of food…for not a lot of calories.

With both fruits and vegetables.

Do you remember when I said, you need to:

"Eat as much food as you can eat to get as close to the upper guideline as possible"

Fruits and Vegetables will be one of your biggest weapons in being able to achieve that goal.

Leafy Greens like, Spinach, Chard, Lettuce, Kale, and Romaine Hearts will all become some of your best friends.

Fruits like Berries (all varieties), Apples, Oranges, Watermelon, Peaches, and Pineapple.

I am only listing suggestions here. Filling your Weight Loss Meal Plan with any kinds of fruits and vegetables is going to serve you very well indeed.

Water and other Zero Calorie Drinks

I love water. Sparkling, Still, it doesn't matter and you need to learn to love drinking water too.

I advise most people to aim for three liters of water a day.

This is literally just their water intake. Try not to include teas, coffee, juice, and anything else you might drink in this total.

Filling up on calorie-free liquid is again going to help do a number of things.

  1. Being well hydrated you will gain energy.

  2. It fills your stomach up and will help reduce cravings.

One sidebar here to talk about Zero Calorie Soda. Although there is a place for Zero Calorie Soda, please do not think that it has the same effect on your body as water. Despite there being no calories in things like Dite Coca Cola, every time you consume it you will be reinforcing a pathway in the brain to push you towards sweeter, more calorie-dense foods. The direct act of drinking Diet Coca Cola will not add calories to your Meal Plan for Weight Loss.

But it might make it harder for you to stick to your Meal Plan if you are consuming these far too regularly.

The Best Meal Plan For Female Weight Loss

Step 3: Weight Loss Meal Plan Timing

Do you know what time I eat my lunch each day?

I'm sure you don't because it is impossible to say. All you have done is read my article, you have never met me, you don't know my schedule, you don't know my caloric needs or the goals for my physique.

And because you don't know that about me, I clearly don't know that about you.

Therefore anyone who is giving you a Weight Loss Meal Plan based on  when to eat your food, is not understanding who you are as a human.

You have a family. You may be on a date. You might be eating a friends house. You could be working a different shift pattern

There are so many variables that goes into when you actually eat. It would be extremely foolish of me, your online coach, to sit here and tell you when to eat your foods.

All you need to remember is this: Eat foods that nourish you at that moment in time and fits into your lifestyle and your caloric allowances.

That's it. It really truly is that simple.

This way you will feel less stressed, you will be in your own rhythm and will make your meal plan for weight loss work in the best way possible for you.

And that is what it is all about,


That is it. That is your step by step guide to creating The Best Meal Plan for Female Weight Loss.

Step 1: Set Your Calories For Weight Loss

Step 2: Chose foods that ask the question "Will this Nourish Me?"

Step 3: Fit it into your lifestyle

Step 4: Execute the plan

You see, a lot of people would love for me to write a whole bunch of recipes, a whole bunch of macro-calculated foods and tell you when to eat them.

But Meal Plans like this very very very rarely work.

Especially when your goal is to lose weight.

If I sat here and told when and what to eat.

You would feel a lot more short-changed and less motivated to actually follow that plan.

Instead, I am telling you how and why you need to find the foods that will work best for you, in your life, with your personal balance within the guidelines of a Calorie Deficit.

That is it.

You can eat donuts.

If it fits into your calories.

You can drink Cocktails

If it fits into your calories.

You can eat Pizza

If it fits into your calories.

In fact, even if it pushes you over your calories , and you are having these foods in balance to your goals…then you can eat donuts, drink cocktails, and have pizza whenever you feel like it is answering this one question:

"Will it nourish me?"

The more you find ways of fitting in your favorite foods, and being able to live a life congruent to your goals, the more you consistent you will be, the more regular your results will become, and the more nourished you will feel.

Did You Find This Useful?

I have plenty more articles about weight loss for females throughout this website.

Here is a selection I think would make great further reading for you:

  1. 5 Easy Ways To Get Into A Calorie Deficit Without Working Out

  2. 7 Things Stopping Your Calorie Deficit

  3. How To Stop Being Scared of Weighing Scales

Best Meal Plan for Weight Loss Female

You are also invited to get a bindle of Fat Loss Goodies from me including:

Get yourself a free month of workouts (Home and Gym-based options)

Get yourself a free copy of my e-book "27 Ways To Faster Fast Loss"

Get yourself a free customized Calorie Calculator

Straight to your Inbox

All you have to do is put your email address in below:

References for the article: The Best Meal Plan for Female Weight Loss

1. Google.com. 2020.Dictionary — Google Search. [online] Available at: <https://www.google.com/search?q=Dictionary&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONQesSoyi3w8sc9YSmZSWtOXmMU4-LzL0jNc8lMLsnMz0ssqrRiUWJKzeNZxMqFEAMA7_QXqzcAAAA&zx=1600528087652#dobs=nourishment> [Accessed 19 September 2020].

2. Nutritionix.com. 2020.{{Metatags.Title || 'Nutritionix'}}. [online] Available at: <https://www.nutritionix.com/> [Accessed 19 September 2020].

Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Female

Source: https://www.thegymstarter.com/blog/2020/9/20/the-best-meal-plan-for-female-weight-loss

Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Female Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Female Reviewed by calandrahebert on Desember 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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